Learn by doing, learn by … Teaching
At Uncharted Learning, we believe that effective educators are expert learners who model exploration of new content and skills with students. Research supports the idea that teaching is one of the best methods for learning and also going a step further — formalizing knowledge.
To increase proficiency in the skill of teaching students entrepreneurship and app development, we have formalized opportunities for the Uncharted Learning community of educators to earn credit for their professional development and share with others what they have accomplished.
Each year we shine the light on these teachers, and officially recognize them at our annual summer conference, the Uncharted Learning National Summit, that brings together our entire community of educators for a week of learning, collaborating and inspiration.
All of the Uncharted Learning professional development experiences are aligned with state standards for teaching and learning so that educators can earn continuing professional development credits (CPDUs). Collaboration and learning, whether synchronous or asynchronous, takes time, effort, and commitment. We understand that, and for these reasons we recognize educators with different distinctions based on their investment in the community.
Here are just some of the PD activities and opportunities we offer teachers throughout the year:
- Participation at the annual Uncharted Learning National Summit conference
- Timely meetups focused on specific curriculum topics
- Virtual and immersive workshops on instructional best practices (like distance and project-based learning)
- Content specific training for new teachers
Professional Development Rewarded
Certified Teacher
For those educators who demonstrate commitment to ongoing learning by attending multiple learning events in an academic year, we recognize them with the title of “Certified” Teacher. These teachers are active learners who model continuous learning and actively participate in a program-specific professional learning community.
As a first year INCubatoredu high school entrepreneurship teacher, Darrecia Johnson at Elgin High Schoool in Texas seized every opportunity to learn with others. She attended four synchronous sessions, asked questions of our professional learning community via Slack, and was open about sharing challenges and successes. Her effort and enthusiasm was evident. In fact, one of her student teams qualified for the PitchYea competition in San Antonio in February, 2020.
Leader Teacher
When teachers go beyond being a learner and share their experiences with others in one of our Slack communities, lead an onsite or virtual learning event, or showcase their students and school on social media, we recognize them with the title of Leader Teacher. This group inspires our community to take that measured risks by exposing their best practices and failure stories with others.
During her second year as a MobileMakersEdu teacher, Rachel Mroz at Saint Viator High School in Illinois led a session at the Uncharted Learning National Summit on 'Promoting Successful Distance Learning in the MobileMakersEdu Program'.
In November of his second year as an INCubatoredu teacher, Eric Swanson, at Union Grove High School in Wisconsin co-facilitated a session on “Boosting Creativity in Your Classes” at the annual WEBIT Convention — The Wisconsin Educators of Business and Information Technology) / WMEA.
Master Teacher
As educators gain more confidence and skills in teaching innovative and constantly changing content areas, like entrepreneurship and mobile app development, we encourage them to lead the learning of others as a mentor or trainer to new teachers, a contributor to curriculum development, or a co-facilitator of professional development. Members of the Uncharted Learning community who take on these responsibilities are honored with the title of Master Teacher. These distinguished educators contribute to the robustness of our educator professional learning community and are a model for new teachers and schools.
Congratulations to all teachers who have earned recognition this year. Here is the complete list of those who have been honored as part of our Teacher Recognition Program.
Now entering her 4th year of teaching both INCubatoredu and MobileMakersEdu, Laura Anderson at Canton High School in Illinois is a champion of innovative instruction. She is an active member of the virtual meetups and Slack communities for both programs - answering questions from other teachers and sharing what she has done with others.
Educators Are Important
The craft and art of teaching takes on new demands (and patience, creativity, and stamina!) this year. We all are exploring new tools and instructional methods to drive engagement and impact for students as learning models vary nationwide. Educators have a unique and important role with our young people at this time as lives have been changed, and stability has been upended. We honor all educators as they strive to meet the challenge, express an 'entrepreneurial mindset', and advance their own skills in the spirit of supporting students in learning and growing.
You are doing the good work, and we're here to support you as we can.
New WORKSHOP SERIES: Entrepreneurship Across the Curriculum
BLOG POST: Three Traits of Good Teachers
VIDEO: Teacher Perspective on INCubatoredu Impact