
Middle School


Students explore entrepreneurship, build skills, identify passions and career interests

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2020-2-2 Corkscrew Middle School Pop-up2
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Curriculum that Ignites the Spark

This program gives us freedom to create’s a new type of education where we don't just follow teacher's orders, we have to take charge ourselves."

~ Aara C., Student, North Naples Middle School

Prepare students with the tools and mindset to bring their own business ideas to life.  Along the way, they are awakened to new interests and exposed to career paths while building critical skills. 

All that youthful energy is harnessed into project-based and purposeful learning.

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middle school student entrepreneurs

Why Teach Entrepreneurship to Middle School Students

This program is a progressive, experiential journey that empowers students to drive their own learning and embrace an iterative process of testing, learning and applying those learnings. Local business leaders contribute valuable mentorship and feedback.

Real-World Skill Development | Middle School students work in teams to identify a problem to solve, design and pitch a solution, and expose the product or service to the marketplace. Through their experience, they will develop critical skills: collaboration, communication, decision-making and more.

Flexible and Standards-based |  The program is aligned to the National Consortium of Entrepreneurship standards, Common Core Speaking and Listening, and 21st Century Learning and Innovation Skills standards.  It includes comprehensive lesson plans for at least 30-40 instructional periods, and can be adjusted to a trimester or semester course, an exploratory wheel, or an after-school program.

Tech Literacy with Marketplace |  Member schools have access to this proprietary ecommerce platform, where students learn to upload product information to a live website where real customers purchase their products. Website activity and sales data is available to guide sales and marketing decisions.

It Starts Here: A Progressive Entrepreneurial Journey

Students are grounded in the entrepreneurial mindset by learning the importance of failure and how to iterate.  The learning unfolds through six distinct phases of 'doing' — all supported by comprehensive curriculum, activities and hands-on learning.


A mxINCedu Class in Action

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Teacher Training that Motivates and Engages

Stacy training teachers

Bring Joy Back to Teaching!

This training is structured to support, motivate and re-ignite educators. Educators preparing to teach mxINCedu are invited to take part in professional development to empower entrepreneur skill-building.  What teachers learn applies to all areas of life!  A vibrant PLC is part of the program, year round.

“I love getting to know the students on a different level.  I just love watching them stretch and develop!"
~ Courtney Douglas, 7/8th Grade Spanish and mxINCedu Teacher, Western Springs, IL

Membership & Pricing Structure

Your membership includes three critical elements to guide successful program implementation and ensure student impact:


Member schools receive access to comprehensive curriculum and resources, including lesson plans, activities and access to an e-commerce platform to create your class startup marketplace. Materials are suited for in-person or remote learning environments.


Your team is onboarded to ensure successful adoption, and training and support are provided to the core teaching team. Member schools are encouraged to attend our annual National Summit which offers additional training and recognition.

Resources and Ongoing Support

Ongoing, personalized support is provided for the core teaching team via workshops, meetups, and eNewsletters. Comprehensive resources include lesson plans, assessments, student-facing materials, and guides to engage your community and ignite an entrepreneurship support system.

Uncharted Learning is fee-based by school, not by individual student. Licensing fees provide continued access to program materials, enhancements, and the professional learning community.  Explore funding and grant options for your school (Perkins Grants apply).

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Middle School Teacher

"It is so rewarding to see students building, creating, and learning so many valuable skills."

"It has strengthened my passion in teaching as a whole. I have learned how important agency is for students to have ownership of their learning and I love to see them taking risks, experiencing some failure, and trying again!"

Middle School Teacher,
mxINCedu End of Year Survey Feedback
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Curious to Learn More?

Download these resources.

Entrepreneurial Learning Environments—Middle School Lesson Ideas

Middle School Entrepreneurship for Your Students

New Report: Preparing Students by Bringing Purpose to Learning